Friendly Links & Book recommendations

Links & Book recommendations

Useful things about Chinese medicine

"Only in the calm pond is reflected

the light of the stars"

Chinese wisdom

Book recommendations

O.W. Barth, ISBN: 978-3-426-29200-6

Eat mindfully - live mindfullyThich Nhat Hanh

Dr. Joe Dispenza, KOHA Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-86728-136-2

Creator of realityMan and his brain - miracle of evolution

O.W. Barth, ISBN: 978-3-426-29244-0

Emotional liberation - How we transform stress into life forceDzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

HPS GmbH Lucerne, ISBN: 978-3-9523347

FoodZ from the kitchenUlrike von Blarer Zalokar

Goldmann Publishing House, ISBN: 978-3-442-21919-3

Healing foodsDr. James A. Duke

Südwest Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-517-08881-5

Burnout does not only come from stressMirriam Priess, MD

VAK Publishing House, ISBN: 978-3-86731-060-4

Highly sensitive: Simply different and still quite normalBirgit Trappmann-Korr